atlnite3.txt ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º "ATLANTA" by Night º º SAGA #3 º º Written by Atlanta º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ "Good afternoon, Atlanta. Houston here. My last appointment should finish up by 4:30 this afternoon. Why don't you join me soon thereafter?" Returning the handset to the telephone, I contemplate the possibilities for this evening's rendezvous. Luckily, my daughter is staying over at a friend's house, it's a Saturday and I don't have to work, and I have one of those rare "Just-for-Atlanta" days in order to prepare at my leisure. Going to the wardrobe, I select a luxuriously soft blue wool, then change my mind, opting for an polished silk of emerald green instead, to go with my eyes. Choosing heels and bag to match, I close the wardrobe door quietly with the touch of my foot. Slipping my Saturday go-to-hell duds from my body, I stand naked in front of the bedroom mirror. Holding the green silk in front of me, I decide that the choice was definitely correct. Laying it upon the freshly made bed, I pad softly over to the dresser and select tonight's lingerie -- an emerald green and black lace bustier/teddi, crotchless black lace undies and ultra-sheer nylons. That should definitely pique his interest. A quick selection of jewelry and the look is complete. Voila! Now to concentrate on me. First stop is the bathtub. I set about creating an atmosphere by pulling two huge fluffy Turkish bath towels and a wash cloth from the cupboard, followed by a scented candle and various other toiletry items. Turning on the bath water, I throw in a large handful of bath crystals and adjust the water temperature a bit. The plunging water creates a froth of blue in the tub, as the steam floats ever upward. I light the candle and set in upon the bathtub ledge, turning on some soft mood music from the portable cd player beside it. The first step into the tub sends a shock wave of heat throughout my body. Gradually, I lower myself until completely ensconced. Settling back in the tub for a nice long soak, I begin to think about you -- how much I long to see you -- to kiss you -- to touch you -- to be with you. I wonder if you are thinking about me while in your meeting...and what you could be doing with me if you were here this very minute. Closing my eyes, I think of you, and my hands slowly begin to caress my breasts, tweaking each nipple between thumb and forefinger, arousing them to twin peaks of excitement. My right hand slowly begins to make a path down to my dark pubic thatch, running its fingers through it lightly. Instinctively, my index finger slips between the pouting lips and finds that hidden button of pleasure, encircling it tauntingly. The sensations are overwhelming. "Oh", I think, "I've got to stop this or I won't be able to meet him on time." With a fresh bar of sandalwood soap, I begin lathering my legs. The razor glides along my skin smoothly, whisking away every hair in its path. Even while performing this minute task, I cannot help but wonder what it would be like to have you here with me this very second...what it would be like to be pampered by you...what it would be like to have my legs shaved by you. And as I finish the last leg, I again pause to fondle my breasts and nipples in hopeful anticipation of the evening to come. Soaking in the steamy water once more, legs freshly shaved and tingling, I run my fingers through my pubic hair again, checking its length...tsk, tsk...too long...time for a trim there, too. With deft hands, comb, scissors and razor it is soon sculpted into and acceptable length and shape. The water has grown cool and I rise to let it run out. Rinsing the tub thoroughly, I start the shower. Stepping under the torrent of water, I once again lather my body with the sandalwood soap, cleansing every crevice. Reaching again for the razor, I shave my underarms carefully, then lather and rise once more. Hitting the shower halt control, I stop the steady stream and run the bar of soap over every inch of my body, lathering it into a slippery scented foam. My hands slide over my body sensually, the eroticism of the moment catching my senses. It's your hands I feel caressing my skin, filling me with excitement and need. Beads of perspiration drip from my hair and forehead as I continue to lather my body. My breasts begin their familiar swell with desire. The nipples protrude in anticipation of the next dance my fingers play across them. My buttocks quiver with excitement as I knead them playfully. Slipping both hands between my thighs, I guide them upwards and message my newly coiffed center of attention. Its soft pouting lips feel velvet to the touch with the combination of the soap and fresh clean shave I have given them. I can't help but wonder what your tongue will feel like flickering between them. "Get hold of yourself, Atlanta. If you keep this up you will never be ready in time." Again I touch the water control, rinsing my body thoroughly. Reaching for the shampoo, I begin lathering my hair, running my fingers through it in a soft circular motion. dreaming of the day when I would feel you do this for me, as well. Oh, to be so pampered just once in my life by a man and not feel that I have to perform in return for the services rendered. What luxury! Stepping back into the shower of steaming water, I rinse, then condition my hair. A final rinse of my entire body and I am through, with this portion anyway. Wrapping a towel about my head and another about my body, I pad softly back into my bedroom, Patting my body dry as I go. Dropping the towel in front of the mirror, I reach for the jar of Tom Kitten Creme and proceed to rub my body from top to bottom (pun intended) with its enrichments. My body is electrified by the stimulus it has received. If I don't do something about this now, I'll never be ready in time. Setting my alarm clock for 3:30 p.m. (just in case I get a little carried away), I remove tonight's clothing from the bed then lay back amongst the coolness of the fresh sheets. A hand still somewhat lubricated from the Tom Kitten Creme gropes its way down my breasts, stomach, hips, in search of the heat of my desire and frustration, while the other teases the nipple of my left breast. Smoothly slipping between the lips, my index finger locates that starting button of pleasure, encircling it slowly, taunting it with every stroke, throbbing with desire. I am wet...very wet...and very warm with excitement. How I need you inside me, plunging the full length of you into my pulsating body with each stroke. My hand cups one breast, releases, cups another...back and forth. With a bend of my head, I capture one nipple in my mouth, suckling it tenderly as I imagine you would if only your were here this very moment. My fingers increase their rhythm between my thighs and that oh, so familiar tingling sensation begins at the back of my knees. I know that release from this "hell" will be forthcoming and I welcome it openly...willingly. Intense wave after wave envelopes my body, carrying me away with the tide. My body soars to a high plateau, slowly ebbing with each stray quake. Every nerve ending in my body exudes a sensation of ecstacy. If you only knew what just the thought of you does to me!! Feeling temporarily sated, I nestle under the crisp sheet and drift peacefully into least until the alarm clock sounds. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Gary & Heather's BBS, Atlanta, Georgia - (404) 244-7059 OUR OWN GROWN QUALITY STORIES OF EROTICA